What The Death Of Marcus Aurelius Teaches Us About Life
Marcus Aurelius died in a cold, dark place, but his last words shined bright with a message of hope: “Go to the rising sun, for I am already setting.” He delivered these words not to a beloved, but to a guard of the night’s watch in his military camp near the...

Thich Nhat Hanh & The Zen Practice Of Stopping
Thich Nhat Hanh was a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, peace activist, prolific author, poet and teacher, historically known as the ‘father of mindfulness’. Nhat Hanh was a major influence on Western practices of Buddhism. He was exiled from South Vietnam in 1966 after...

Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi: 16 Practical Lessons On Self-Mastery & Peace
Shi Heng Yi’s speech embodies calm and strength. Watching his Ted talks or his interviews, you see that he emanates both humility and confidence. He speaks slowly, thoughtfully, and deliberately. Balance is a core pursuit of The Mindful Stoic, so I was immediately...

A Modern Day Example Of Stoicism: Yeonmi Park, Courage Exemplified
Much is said and written about the ancient Stoics because founders and trailblazers are well remembered by history. However, the modern world is not without its unique challenges and hardships against which the teachings of Stoicism can be employed to live with...

The Way Of Chuang Tzu & Four Practices Of Taoism
Who was Chuang Tzu? He was a champion of the individual, he drew lines in the sand against established power structures, and he often used humor and colorful paradox to convey his teachings. He was an influential Chinese philosopher who lived around the 4th century...

The Story Of The Buddha & The Human Condition
According to most accounts, the Buddha started out in life as a wealthy prince named Siddhartha. His father, the king, indulged him in every luxury imaginable while keeping all signs of human suffering outside the palace walls hidden away from him. But one day,...
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