Introduction To Stoicism And Mindfulness
If you're new to mindfulness or Stoicism, we hope you'll find these articles written as introductory resources useful. We aim to answer questions like "What is mindfulness?" and "How can I begin practicing Stoicism?" We hope something here will set you off on your...

Karma In Buddhism: Sowing The Seeds Of Love
In modern times, we use the word karma in many ways. ‘Ain’t karma a bitch’—meaning what ‘Goes around, comes around.’ It can also refer to the Golden Rule from the Hebrew and Christian Bible: ‘Do unto others what as you would have them do unto you.’ But, in the context...

Right Mindfulness & Right Concentration Of The Eightfold Path
If I were to define Zen Buddhism, I would do so in two four-word sentences: Absolute attention is prayer. Compassion for all beings. “Zen teaches nothing. It merely enables us to wake up and become aware. It does not teach; it points. The truth of Zen is...

The Three Jewels Of The Tao: Embracing The Way Of Water
Well, the first challenge in understanding the Tao is its definition. Translated literally, 'The Tao' means 'The Way'. The very first verse of this ancient teaching warns that it’s useless to try to define or name The Tao: The Tao that can be toldIs not the eternal...

No Self In Buddhism & Science: Tame The Ego, Start Living
I am quietly eroding all your relationships. I am insulting you. I am forcing you to act with greed and aggression. I make you jealous… I am you. The ‘I’ here is the subjective sense of self—the ‘I’ is your ego. As we’ll discover, no self thinking may be the antidote...

Exploring Secular Buddhism: A Practical Guide To Modern Buddhist Wisdom
Buddhism isn’t just for monks with shaved heads and orange robes. Ordinary people, just like you and me, can derive wisdom, insight, and clarity from Buddhist traditions. Buddhism’s immense utility in everyday life has brought a lot of momentum to a branch of Buddhism...

Desirelessness Is Happiness: 7 Practices To Help You Let Go
A man is galloping at breakneck speed on his horse and appears as if he’s going somewhere important; on a mission of some sort. Another man standing along the side of the road shouts, ‘Where are you going?’ The man on the horse yells, ‘I don’t know, ask the horse.’ ...

The Eightfold Path: Guidance For Life’s Challenges
According to legend, the Buddha started out in life as the wealthy prince Siddhartha. His father, the king, indulged him in every luxury imaginable while keeping all signs of human suffering hidden away from him, outside the palace walls. But one day, Siddhartha went...

How To Practice Stoicism: An Introduction & 12 Stoic Practices
Stoicism is misunderstood. Unlike a common usage of the word ‘stoic’, Stoicism is not an emotionless, white-knuckled bearing of hardships. So, what is Stoicism? How can you practice Stoicism in daily life? Stoicism is not just a philosophy. It’s an experiential...

Non-Attachment: Breaking The Four Categories Of Attachment – Part 2
The following is part two of a two-part piece on the four categories of attachment and how we can begin to foster non-attachment to alleviate suffering. Click here to read part one. The third of the four categories of attachment: opinions and views The world is in a...
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