The Three Stoic Disciplines: Desire, Action, and Assent

The Three Stoic Disciplines: Desire, Action, and Assent

Stoicism is a guiding framework in my life, but so is business. I can think of no better school of thought than business when it comes to manifesting ideas into reality—big, complex ideas. Schools of business and businesses in practice are fountains of knowledge when...

Introduction To Stoicism And Mindfulness

Introduction To Stoicism And Mindfulness

If you're new to mindfulness or Stoicism, we hope you'll find these articles written as introductory resources useful. We aim to answer questions like "What is mindfulness?" and "How can I begin practicing Stoicism?" We hope something here will set you off on your...

How To Speak Like A Stoic

How To Speak Like A Stoic

If you’ve mastered the art of peaceful speech, then it is likely that you have a very firm grasp over your guiding principles. If you have mastered the art of the pause in speech, then it is likely that you have clear convictions and great self-confidence. Truthful,...

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Check out our Books page for a curated collection of recommended books on mindfulness, Stoicism, and personal growth.

How To Focus by Thich Nhat Hanh
Discipline Is Destiny by Ryan Holiday
Books on mindfulness and stoicism by Sarah Shaw