The Cook: A Story About Flow

The Cook: A Story About Flow

A cook was butchering an ox for his employer. Every slide of his wrist, every circle of his elbow, every push of his shoulders, every pivot on his toes and heels, and every gliding movement of the knife were in perfect harmony—like the sections of a royal orchestra. 


‘This is truly wonderful!’ said the cook’s employer. ‘How did you learn to butcher an ox with such skill?’


The cook laid down his knife and said, ‘I’ve learned to do and be at the same time—to act presently without wandering thoughts of past or future. This is better than any butcher’s manual.


When I first started to cut up oxen, what I saw was the entire ox. After three years, I had learned not to see the ox as a whole.


Now I work with my heart, not with my eyes or hands. I ignore my senses and follow my spirit. This way, the knife follows the natural lines and glides through the empty spaces, using what is there and what is not there to my advantage.


This way, I avoid the bones and cartilage.


A good cook changes their knife every year. A regular cook changes their knife every month. 


I have been using this knife of mine for nineteen years. 


It has cut thousands of oxen. But, the blade is as sharp as the day it was made. 


Most of the animal is empty space, and the blade of the knife has no real thickness. There is no resistance when you pass something as thin as a knife’s blade through empty space. 


Sure, there are difficult parts. But, when I encounter a difficult part, and I know it will be difficult, I take care and take my time. Then, very gently, I move the knife until an empty space opens up and the resistance dissipates on its own, like the clearing of fog under the morning sun. Then, with a feeling of satisfaction, I wipe my blade and put it away.’


After a long pause, the cook’s employer said, ‘I must thank you, my dear cook, for your lesson in butchering has taught me how all things must be done.’ 


A Taoist story about flow

This story comes from The Book of Chuang Tzu by Martin Palmer (Translator) and Elizabeth Breuilly (Translator).


This is a story about flow. Sometimes, when we try too hard, or when we overthink, we get in our own way. Flow is about losing oneself in the act. It’s about being fully immersed in an experience. When we are truly present, and when we work from the heart, we find the path of least resistance.

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Stoic Courage: How To Face Life’s Battles With Grit And Resilience

I’ve written a lot about Stoicism, and I’ll continue to do so because it continues to help me live a resilient, grounded life. It’s practical, no-nonsense, and honest about how little we control—which is oddly comforting. One of the core virtues in Stoicism is...

A Beginner’s Guide To Mindful Breathing: Focus Your Mind, Reduce Stress

Have you ever noticed how little attention we pay to our own breathing? It’s happening every moment, sustaining us, yet most of us go about our days completely unaware of it. That is, until stress tightens our chests or anxiety shortens our breath. Then, suddenly, we...

Guided Sleep Meditation: A Stoic Approach to Restful Nights

Sleep may just be the most important input to human health, yet it often eludes us. I’ve certainly had my struggles with sleep. With all the rushing, scrolling, and multitasking we do, it’s no wonder many struggle to find the calm needed to drift into restorative...

Debunking 8 Common Misconceptions About Stoicism: What It Really Means To Be A Stoic

I blame the English dictionary for a good chunk of the misconceptions about Stoicism. Look up the word ‘stoic’ there and you’ll find something like, “a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.” Or maybe it’s the wealth of...

The Three Stoic Disciplines: Desire, Action, and Assent

Stoicism is a guiding framework in my life, but so is business. I can think of no better school of thought than business when it comes to manifesting ideas into reality—big, complex ideas. Schools of business and businesses in practice are fountains of knowledge when...

Introduction To Stoicism And Mindfulness

If you're new to mindfulness or Stoicism, we hope you'll find these articles written as introductory resources useful. We aim to answer questions like "What is mindfulness?" and "How can I begin practicing Stoicism?" We hope something here will set you off on your...

What Is Modern Stoicism? An Introduction & Essential Practices

In the eyes of some, the people I’m about to introduce don’t belong in a discussion about modern Stoicism. None of them are self-proclaimed Stoics. But they do display extreme commitment to the four Stoic virtues: courage, temperance, wisdom, and justice.   ...

How To Speak Like A Stoic

If you’ve mastered the art of peaceful speech, then it is likely that you have a very firm grasp over your guiding principles. If you have mastered the art of the pause in speech, then it is likely that you have clear convictions and great self-confidence. Truthful,...

Karma In Buddhism: Sowing The Seeds Of Love

In modern times, we use the word karma in many ways. ‘Ain’t karma a bitch’—meaning what ‘Goes around, comes around.’ It can also refer to the Golden Rule from the Hebrew and Christian Bible: ‘Do unto others what as you would have them do unto you.’ But, in the context...

What The Death Of Marcus Aurelius Teaches Us About Life

Marcus Aurelius died in a cold, dark place, but his last words shined bright with a message of hope: “Go to the rising sun, for I am already setting.” He delivered these words not to a beloved, but to a guard of the night’s watch in his military camp near the...
A Man And His Horse: A Short Story About Rushing

A Man And His Horse: A Short Story About Rushing

A man is galloping at breakneck speed on his horse and appears as if he is going somewhere important; on a mission of some sort.



Another man standing along the side of the road shouts, ‘Where are you going?’ and the man on the horse yells, ‘I don’t know, ask the horse!’


A short story about rushing


 We have developed the habit of running and rushing through our lives and our days, harried by time. We multitask, we rush around vainly trying to ‘accomplish’ everything that we think we need to do, and in doing so, we lose touch with the present moment and with life itself. If we are not present in our own lives, we aren’t really alive. We are like zombies running around lost in our own little universes. We have developed what Thich Nhat Hanh describes as ‘habit energy’: the habit of running around with our bodies going one way and our minds somewhere else. This is a terrible way to live and robs us of our most precious gift—the little time that we do have to experience the joy of being alive.

Join our newsletter for practical insights into mindful & Stoic living.

Stoic Courage: How To Face Life’s Battles With Grit And Resilience

I’ve written a lot about Stoicism, and I’ll continue to do so because it continues to help me live a resilient, grounded life. It’s practical, no-nonsense, and honest about how little we control—which is oddly comforting. One of the core virtues in Stoicism is...

A Beginner’s Guide To Mindful Breathing: Focus Your Mind, Reduce Stress

Have you ever noticed how little attention we pay to our own breathing? It’s happening every moment, sustaining us, yet most of us go about our days completely unaware of it. That is, until stress tightens our chests or anxiety shortens our breath. Then, suddenly, we...

Guided Sleep Meditation: A Stoic Approach to Restful Nights

Sleep may just be the most important input to human health, yet it often eludes us. I’ve certainly had my struggles with sleep. With all the rushing, scrolling, and multitasking we do, it’s no wonder many struggle to find the calm needed to drift into restorative...

Debunking 8 Common Misconceptions About Stoicism: What It Really Means To Be A Stoic

I blame the English dictionary for a good chunk of the misconceptions about Stoicism. Look up the word ‘stoic’ there and you’ll find something like, “a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.” Or maybe it’s the wealth of...

The Three Stoic Disciplines: Desire, Action, and Assent

Stoicism is a guiding framework in my life, but so is business. I can think of no better school of thought than business when it comes to manifesting ideas into reality—big, complex ideas. Schools of business and businesses in practice are fountains of knowledge when...

Introduction To Stoicism And Mindfulness

If you're new to mindfulness or Stoicism, we hope you'll find these articles written as introductory resources useful. We aim to answer questions like "What is mindfulness?" and "How can I begin practicing Stoicism?" We hope something here will set you off on your...

What Is Modern Stoicism? An Introduction & Essential Practices

In the eyes of some, the people I’m about to introduce don’t belong in a discussion about modern Stoicism. None of them are self-proclaimed Stoics. But they do display extreme commitment to the four Stoic virtues: courage, temperance, wisdom, and justice.   ...

How To Speak Like A Stoic

If you’ve mastered the art of peaceful speech, then it is likely that you have a very firm grasp over your guiding principles. If you have mastered the art of the pause in speech, then it is likely that you have clear convictions and great self-confidence. Truthful,...

Karma In Buddhism: Sowing The Seeds Of Love

In modern times, we use the word karma in many ways. ‘Ain’t karma a bitch’—meaning what ‘Goes around, comes around.’ It can also refer to the Golden Rule from the Hebrew and Christian Bible: ‘Do unto others what as you would have them do unto you.’ But, in the context...

What The Death Of Marcus Aurelius Teaches Us About Life

Marcus Aurelius died in a cold, dark place, but his last words shined bright with a message of hope: “Go to the rising sun, for I am already setting.” He delivered these words not to a beloved, but to a guard of the night’s watch in his military camp near the...

The Starfish: A Short Story About Making A Difference

The Starfish: A Short Story About Making A Difference

A man was walking along a beach in a well-known tourist destination, and there were literally thousands and thousands of stranded starfish that had been swept in on the tide and soon to die. He noticed a man in the distance who was throwing them back into the water, one at a time. As he approached the man he exclaimed, “But there are so many. You can’t possibly make a difference!” The man simply threw another starfish back into the ocean and said, “Made a difference to that one.”


A short story about making a difference


Sometimes when we are working to improve the lives of others or even working to improve ourselves, we may not immediately see the results of our actions and good intentions. But, we must let go of the outcome of our actions and trust that sometime in the future our good deeds will have a positive effect and come to fruition in a manner that we cannot foresee. 

Join our newsletter for practical insights into mindful & Stoic living.

Stoic Courage: How To Face Life’s Battles With Grit And Resilience

I’ve written a lot about Stoicism, and I’ll continue to do so because it continues to help me live a resilient, grounded life. It’s practical, no-nonsense, and honest about how little we control—which is oddly comforting. One of the core virtues in Stoicism is...

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Have you ever noticed how little attention we pay to our own breathing? It’s happening every moment, sustaining us, yet most of us go about our days completely unaware of it. That is, until stress tightens our chests or anxiety shortens our breath. Then, suddenly, we...

Guided Sleep Meditation: A Stoic Approach to Restful Nights

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The Three Stoic Disciplines: Desire, Action, and Assent

Stoicism is a guiding framework in my life, but so is business. I can think of no better school of thought than business when it comes to manifesting ideas into reality—big, complex ideas. Schools of business and businesses in practice are fountains of knowledge when...

Introduction To Stoicism And Mindfulness

If you're new to mindfulness or Stoicism, we hope you'll find these articles written as introductory resources useful. We aim to answer questions like "What is mindfulness?" and "How can I begin practicing Stoicism?" We hope something here will set you off on your...

What Is Modern Stoicism? An Introduction & Essential Practices

In the eyes of some, the people I’m about to introduce don’t belong in a discussion about modern Stoicism. None of them are self-proclaimed Stoics. But they do display extreme commitment to the four Stoic virtues: courage, temperance, wisdom, and justice.   ...

How To Speak Like A Stoic

If you’ve mastered the art of peaceful speech, then it is likely that you have a very firm grasp over your guiding principles. If you have mastered the art of the pause in speech, then it is likely that you have clear convictions and great self-confidence. Truthful,...

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In modern times, we use the word karma in many ways. ‘Ain’t karma a bitch’—meaning what ‘Goes around, comes around.’ It can also refer to the Golden Rule from the Hebrew and Christian Bible: ‘Do unto others what as you would have them do unto you.’ But, in the context...

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