Premeditatio Malorum: A Practice For Resilience

Premeditatio Malorum: A Practice For Resilience

Our lives are controlled by external factors. When we fail to anticipate this, we suffer. The ancient Stoics were acutely aware of this. In fact, they developed an epithet for practitioners of Stoicism to keep at arm’s length to remember this crucially important...

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Introduction To Stoicism And Mindfulness

Introduction To Stoicism And Mindfulness

If you're new to mindfulness or Stoicism, we hope you'll find these articles written as introductory resources useful. We aim to answer questions like "What is mindfulness?" and "How can I begin practicing Stoicism?" We hope something here will set you off on your...

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How Three Stoics Viewed Life As A Sport by Brechen MacRaeLessons in Resilience, Discipline, and MasteryRead on Substack

How To Practice The 4 Stoic Virtues

How To Practice The 4 Stoic Virtues

One of the defining features of Stoicism is its practicality. The ancient Stoics would even devise clever phrases and mnemonic devices to help their students carry with them reminders of how to act in accordance with the fundamental ideas and virtues of their...

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Episode 13 | Equanimity For A Balanced & Unshakable Mind by Brechen MacRaeRead on Substack

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